Services Offered

Our services are 100% complimentary to you, with no obligation.

McKee Family Insurance is here for you. We want to assist in answering your questions, educating you on your options, and helping you enroll in a Medicare health plan that makes sense for you.

McKee Family Insurance is currently licensed in Washington state.

As independent agents who represent multiple insurance carriers, we can offer unbiased guidance in your health plan choices.

Are you turning 65?

Happy Birthday! If you need assistance in selecting your Medicare options please contact us for an consultation appointment.

Are you 65+?

If you are 65+, we will be happy to review your current plan, and identify if there is one that may better fit your needs at this time.

        Are you under 65 but receive Social Security disability?

If you are under 65, but receive Social Security Disability, you may qualify for coverage. Let us help you identify the plan options that may be available to you.

Carriers we partner with

Additional services we provide at no cost to you

  • Assistance applying for Medicaid to see if you qualify for benefits.

  • Assistance applying for the Medicare Part D Extra Help program through Social Security to see if you qualify for prescription drug savings.

  • Assistance identifying potential drug manufacturer discounts for your prescription drugs.

  • Identify additional community resources and programs you may be eligible for.

If we can help with any of the above, please click the button below to request a no-obligation complimentary consultation.